25 Aug SEJ summit 2015 – A Summary
SEJ Summit: The Leading platform for digital and SEO knowledge transfer.
SEJ Summit is a one-day seminar that is planned and executed by the awesome guys, credited for Search Engine Journal. SEJ Summit dives into the details of Search Engine Optimization, sharing a significant amount of knowledge concerning SEOs with the thousands of attendees who grace the conferences. Several conferences have been held and among them include the SEJ summit 2015.
These seminars address the fact that there is faint knowledge regarding SEOs, since it is a relatively new concept. It is for that reason that the conferences provide a global platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and interaction. In these meetings, like the SEJ summit 2015, keynote speakers deliver their points without much fluff and shaggy-dog stories. All keynotes at the meetings come up with unique techniques of presentation that maximize knowledge retention. This ensures that participants in our summits benefit from a large pool of knowledge in a short span of time.
We have created a culture of inviting the top professionals in the digital world to share their ideas, opinions, strategies, and visions. You will be chuffed to bits, to see how much skill sharing and knowledge transfer happens, in just less than twenty-four hours. The speakers at our summits are the most notable and prominent individuals in the digital industry. These are professionals that on a typical day, and you would be fortunate to have just a nodding acquaintance with. In our SEJ summit 2015, we were privileged to host a couple of them including David Naylor of Bronco, Google’s Pierre Far and Nick Wilsdon from Vodafone.
SEJ Summits are one-of-a-kind conferences, that any professional in the digital industry would be privileged to get an invitation. We structure our seminars in accommodating environments that invite a sense of occasion to all our attendees. Keep a vigilant eye on our seminars around the world, and we might be holding one in a city near you